Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Dawson City Water Metering Program?

    The Program was created to help the City better understand how water is used in the community. It will give us the information we need to introduce an equitable billing structure, and allow us to strategically plan for a future that is financially and environmentally sustainable.

    Through the Program, water meters and bleeders will be reconfigured and installed in Spring 2022 for all buildings in Dawson that currently have water service (both residential and commercial). Following meter installation, there will be a year-long water meter trial, which will allow water customers to observe their water consumption while continuing to pay the same fixed rates they’re charged now.

  • What can businesses expect from the Dawson City Water Metering Program?

    The City wants to encourage smart water use not decreased business. We will use information gained about water consumption patterns for businesses during the water meter trial to ensure that businesses that depend on water use for their operations are supported when new water rate structures are established.

    By analyzing their own water usage during the trial period, businesses can make plans to adapt as necessary and take advantage of the funding resources available to upgrade water fixtures.

  • Will I need to know how to install and operate the water meter and bleeder?

    A qualified contractor will install all new meters and reconfigure or upgrade bleeders as needed to ensure they’re operating correctly. At the time of installation, they’ll ensure that residents and business owners know how to operate their bleeders correctly. Water customers will not be responsible for any meter maintenance.

  • Is the current fixed rate structure fair and equitable?

    There is a lot of speculation about whether residential buildings are subsidizing water use for businesses or if it’s the other way around. Without water meters, it’s very hard to know if water customers are paying a fair amount for their usage.

    After the water meter trial, water rate structures will be based on actual water use in the community. In that way, the water bills will be much easier to understand. The result will be a fairer and more equitable billing system than the current fixed rate.

  • Will I end up paying higher fees for water services?

    New water rates will not be established until after the water meter trial and will be based on each customer’s actual water usage. Average water users should expect to pay rates similar to those they’re paying now.

    Support for vulnerable water customers will be made available – similar to the 20% rebate that seniors currently have.

  • Will I have to pay for bleeder use?

    No. Although bleeders are installed so that the water meter is capturing water use from the bleeder, appropriate bleeder use will be discounted from water bills.

    Residents will be reminded when to turn bleeders on and off to ensure that unnecessary bleeder use does not occur during the summer months.